We interrupt this start-up to bring you…

…a pandemic. Are you kidding me?

Timing has never really been a true friend of mine for as long as I can remember. I’ve been toying around with the idea of taking this hobby of mine to fruition as a legit business and it figures that the year I planned on doing it has been for the most part all but shut down totally. But there’s something much larger going on here and it isn’t all about me.

This planet has to wrap their head around what exactly is going on right now and figure out a solution. Probably much easier said than done I know. People are getting sick at an alarming rate and contrary to what some of our sworn leaders who turned into bonafide doctors overnight are saying, this doesn’t sound much like the common cold here. Even the “experts” like Dr. Drew cashed in on this one being nothing much to worry about. Hey, I like the guy, but we all have been wrong at one time or another haven’t we?

Scary stuff folks. A long time ago in a land far, far away I rode squad for the fire department through all sorts of bacterial and viral emergencies and this one is shaping up to be one of the biggest. Phrases like “One Hundred Year Flu” have been tossed around which makes one only more uneasy when you think of the Spanish Flu and what damage it left in it’s wake.

So stay healthy everyone. If you can stay home, do so. If not, be as careful as humanly possible. We’ll eventually get through this and some day meet at an open air fair or swap meet in your hometown. Until then, wash them hands and stop biting those nails!


Building up the ol’ inventory


Hey world, here comes Scrape’s