Building up the ol’ inventory

Forgive me folks, it’s been far too long since my last entry. But what else can you do when no one wants to gather in groups outside of their own “tribe”? Can’t really blame anyone though. It just really makes it hard to get your things into people’s hands and introduce your self to the world when everyone operates outside of a six foot bubble from anyone. So until we can actually get back to standing next to one another my official launch is still on hold.

With nothing but time on my hands until we get back to something that resembles normalcy I’m just gonna build up stores of product. Hammer away I must do. Even though basic business sense today has taught us that when you’re just starting up you want to keep things as lean as possible, I’m going in the polar opposite direction. What can it really hurt though? If I build more than my audience wants to buy then I guess their won’t be a room or hallway in my home without light. I would think there are bigger tragedies in a young start-up’s journey, wouldn’t you agree?

Stay safe and healthy everyone.


Say Goodbye to the Trade Show circuit!


We interrupt this start-up to bring you…