Hey world, here comes Scrape’s


This is the beginning of something new folks! Welcome to all who have stumbled onto this site and straight into the place we call Scrape’s Garage. I would presume that this is not the first page you’ve gone to thus far so I first want to thank you for pausing long enough to get a glimpse of what we’re all about. Whether by total accident, or forced curiosity, you’re here right now so take a moment and have a look around. If what we offer on these pages is what you’re into, then I only ask three things of you.

  1. Make a purchase. Or make two. I’m not that way. I can just as easily ship one item as I can six. This ain’t no museum I’m starting here. You buy something - I stay in business. It’s as simple as that. And I would thank you tremendously.

  2. Find the next show that we’ll be at and stop by our tent. You might need a little more persuasion to adopt one of my creations and I get it, you need to lay hands on it first. Even if you don’t pull the trigger on buying something I dig meeting like minded people who enjoy this kinda thing.

  3. Leave a comment on what you think of our stuff. This feedback helps us move in the right direction with future products.

And if we aren’t your mug of brew, then that’s OK too. I know this whole Steampunk, Rockabilly, Rust and Rods thing is not for everybody. But still so, I ask only one simple favor of you then. Share us with someone. Anyone. Everyone. Even that twice removed cousin who has an oddly large collection of Ed Gein memorabilia. Who knows, you just might be doing a solid for the greater good of man. I gotta think a lamp or two in a totally alternative media might be the beginning of that ten step process they’re in need of.


We interrupt this start-up to bring you…