Watcha Weldin’ Wednesday to return

Seems like I’m always full of “I’m Sorry’s” and I’m sorry for that.

My series -Watcha Weldin’ Wednesday- has really started to take off and right when I began gathering some steam and running down those rails… I stopped. But as the old saying goes “excuses are like rump snorkels” or something to that tune, I’ll bore you with none and let you know that on 12/22/21 we will be back on again with our heralded series capturing how the mind of a mad man and a table full of junk can turn into something interesting.

Until then, go easy on the eggnog (heavy on the bourbon) and we’ll hopefully see some of you at our final event this Saturday December 18th in Marietta. Season’s Greetings Y’all!


Thank you


SEMA 2021