Thank you


Well friends another new year is upon us. And although yours truly and his family are fending off the last remnants of either the flu or Covid while civilized mankind and our economy appear to be slowly eroding around us, I know I still have plenty to be thankful for in 2021 so pull up a chair. As I’ve done so many times before, this ain’t gonna be short.

I think I can speak for most of us when I say at one time in our lives we were all taught the forbidden topics of which should never be discussed around the dinner table or in any public setting for that matter. Religion, Politics and Money. I can understand that it’s human nature to want our opinion to be heard, and because of this there are still masses out there who believe themselves to be an authority on one if not all of these issues so unfortunately we’ll just have to live with this rhetoric in our daily lives since it’s now become the norm.

What I can’t understand though is that regardless of your upbringing, social status or whether you’re from planet earth or not, we’ve also been taught at one time in our lives about respect, loyalty, gratitude, being mindful of others and giving recognition where it’s deserved. So why isn’t this the more predominant behavior found and why aren’t the masses showing up in droves to hand out a little love and acknowledgement? I don’t claim to be an expert in human nature but I got a sneakin’ suspicion that for most people there’s a hell of a lot more gratification in telling others which God they should praise (if one at all) or what side of the aisle they should endorse rather than telling you what a good job you did, how your help made a difference, following it all up with a little thanks and appreciation. Such a profoundly simple thing to imagine but something that’s becoming harder to find in society today no doubt.

My wife just finished a chapter in her life this week by retiring from a 35+ year career with a company that has had us on the ropes a few times during her tenure wondering if remaining loyal to this organization would be a smart choice. I remember times when just the mind games of corporate life and the constant disappointment in watching others reap benefits while she was passed over was almost enough for her to toss in the towel but she didn’t. Through it all she’s always stuck with it and because of this it’s a big part of what made her the woman, wife, mother and coworker that she is today. Considering she’s been around this culture for so long, one that’s always been steeped in self serving ways that bestow accolade upon accolade to the bloated corporate brass while the internal parts of the machine THAT ARE YOUR VERY BOTTOM LINE are fed scraps up until their untimely slaughter by accountant’s pen, I’m amazed beyond words with how long and how well she has served that company.

DISCLAIMER: The view previously expressed on oversized mammals and corporate greed is that of the author and Scrape’s Garage, LLC. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of my spouse or any employee of the organization spoken of, currently employed with them or not.

Yes siree Bob she’s had to endure a lot in these years to get to where she finished today. But I’d be lying if I even tried to imply that we aren’t thankful for the life that her career has allowed us and our family. I just wish for her sake I could have seen more reciprocating loyalty and gratitude from them than what she got. In the end there was no fanfare, just simple instructions on wiping your computer of files and handing in your equipment and identification by said date. I shouldn’t be surprised though. Times have changed since our grandparents went to work for Sears, Roebuck & Co. so with that dear, let me thank you for your dedication, hard work and diligence. You know I wouldn’t have lasted a New York minute in that line of work and I’d have headed for the doors a long time ago. And it’s this stability that you have possessed WAY more than me which has brought us to where we are today.

One area that I can say without doubt or disdain that I am so truly thankful for is to all of you, my customers and friends that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. Thank you for all of the love and support that I have been given during this start-up year. And not just to paying customers but also to those who have discovered Scrape’s Garage, told a friend or two, and have come out to a show to meet us. I’m being totally honest when I say that watching the smiles come across people’s faces when they see my work, even if it doesn’t lead to a sale, is worth the effort alone. I’ve always been kind of a hard ass with little to no emotions at times, but to watch somebody giggle hysterically over a pencil sharpener turned into something with a personality is priceless and I enjoy it as much as closing a deal. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I look forward to seeing all of you again in 2022.

Of course above and beyond everything is the thanks I have for my family and friends. Most of which are situated north of me by around 750 short miles or so. You all have been and continue to be such a large part of my life that I can not wait to find a break to get back and visit for some period of time. It’s been too long and I miss each and every one of you. Your support, guidance, and love are what keeps this “business trip” as I’ve called this move of 9 years ago a manageable one. I can’t make any guarantees at this time that I’ll be calling Milwaukee my home again since another thing I’m finding that I’m thankful for, very thankful sometimes, is for fifty degree winters here in Georgia.

So there it is, my list to close out 2021. Short of trying to sound like some glittered fairy in wings attempting to shoot a mystical arrow in your backside, I just wanna challenge us to be better people in 2022 than what we’ve been lookin’ like for the past couple of years. Much less our decline over four or five decades now. Spend less time finding blame in others for your shortcomings and more time working together towards a common goal. Be more aware of the fact that the world is a bigger place than you think and it’s orbit doesn’t always follow a trajectory around you. Give credit where credit is due. Even if it wasn’t your idea, can it really hurt that much to give someone an “atta boy”? And be thankful for everything you got. Large and small. I’m starting with numero uno here tonight. Just after I polish off that Scotch that I squirreled away all to myself.

Happy New Year everyone.


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