Happy belated new year

New Year’s resolution #1, Enlist help of younger generation to train someone from the older generation on how to effectively utilize Twitter, Tik Tok, Instagram and all things social media in a dynamic and timely fashion.

I dig the art thing. I do not dig the everything else thing. Accounting, advertising, marketing, pricing which are obviously as much if not more important than the art itself just don’t appeal to me. Maybe that’s why most artists are starving. Oh, and I’m pretty sure I need an English Lit professor too since I’m no Hemmingway.

New Year’s resolution #2, Attempt to attend more open-air fairs. Since I’ve moved into my more permanent digs in the Park West Vintage building in Marietta Square I’ve slowed down on the amount of Art Fairs that I historically attended. It sure is a lot less work this way but you just don’t meet enough people that way so we’re planning to change that this year.

New Year’s resolution #3, Lose the 9-5. This resolution might overflow into next year or the year after that, but the scissors is on the umbilical cord and I’m chomping at the bit to cut it. Can’t be very creative and productive if the bulk of your day is spent working on someone else’s dream than your own.

With that, I urge you to keep visiting my site for updates on products, specials, and where we plan to be next. Or if you’re in the area of Marietta Square, swing by for a look at 17 Whitlock Ave SW. Just down the block from the Marietta Pizza Co.


A new chapter unfolds


Mission accomplished!