A new chapter unfolds

It’s become common to hear me apologize for the amount of time that spans between Journal entries. And I fear that if I can’t concoct a plan to get me retired from the 9-5 world fast so I can spend more time dedicated to just my work, this may not be the last apology either.

Scrape’s Garage has finally relocated back to Wisconsin. Although Atlanta Georgia was a fitting place for a budding artist, with all of the craft fairs, artists studios and vintage markets, I’ve been wanting to get back home to Milwaukee not long after we left it. The hustle and bustle of the ATL was not for me, I’m not 21 any more. I needed a serious downshift in my life and moving to a nice quiet neighborhood on a river with half the house and five times the shop space fit the bill just right.

It wasn’t all bad down south though. The smell of honeysuckle, the Magnolia trees, and my studio in Marietta, Park West Vintage, will all be sorely missed. I truly wish that we had something like PWV here. I absolutely loved my time in that place and all of the tenants and store employees that I shared it with. It’s a great business model that I would love to duplicate here in SE Wisconsin (investors are welcomed) but until that day comes, if during your travels you find yourself in Marietta Square you owe it to yourself to stop by. They have a very eclectic mix of items that is sure to please every taste. Just plan an hour-plus to check it all out. It ain’t small.

So a big thanks again to all of my customers who have stayed in touch during this long absence from open air markets and shows. A new chapter is now being written here in the Midwest, and I hope I can bring as much joy to you as I did, and hope I still can, to my customers in my foster home of Georgia. I’ll be posting a schedule for upcoming shows here shortly.

Good Bye for now.


Instagram change


Happy belated new year