Welcome 2021. And welcome to the garage.

It finally had to be done. That sink or swim moment where you know that you just have to throw your hat in the ring and begin working on your dream instead of grinding it out for someone else to help them reach theirs.

The idea for Scrape’s Garage, and the plan to make it more than just a pet name to a hobby came just over a year ago. Then of course old man Covid showed up and put any real efforts of getting this ship off the ground into a temporary holding pattern. In all reality we’re still in it though. Nothing has changed other than the hope that the light at the end of this tunnel will soon be seen. Just changing the calendar on your wall to another year doesn’t necessarily hit any reset button.

But this couldn’t wait any longer. If anything it will prove to be a great marketing endeavor leading up to actual public events where people can “put their hands on my junk”. But if you’re one of the thousands… no, millions of people to visit my site and feel you just can’t wait for that day, contact me via email if you would like to purchase anything and I will be glad to personally assist you. As of today I’ve been assured that a minor speed bump in the e-commerce portion of my site will be rectified by mid week.

Thanks again for stopping by, and again, a very happy new year to you and yours.


Switching gears a bit


The Orbit Lamp