Thank You Lake Geneva

By far the best show that Scrape’s Garage has EVER attended. Eighteen pieces were sold this past weekend at Lake Geneva Art in the Park, yielding the highest grossing numbers we’ve seen since our beginnings back in 2019. And the amazing people we met, it was worth every dime invested to be there. I am positively putting this on the radar again for next year.

A huge thank you to the Geneva Lakes Art Foundation for putting on this event and for accepting Scrape’s Garage to be a part of it. And another enormous thank you to all who stopped by and purchased something or checked things out and talked with us about commissioned work. I can tell you where I’ll be for the next three weeks of down time. Buried in the shop somewhere putting together more strange things for all of you.

So until mid September, have yourselves a great rest of your summer. We’ll see you at a show near you.


PayPal, see you later.


Mequon Public Market