New Digs
Ahhhhh, who wouldn’t want to get up in the morning and head out to that?
Safe to say that almost ten full months after moving back to Wisconsin we’ve finally got just about everything in place. All the old equipment has finally made it back from Atlanta, and a few other new additions have been installed to help Scrape’s Garage churn out not only strange and interesting pieces of art, but we can handle many other repairs and newly fabricated items for just about any application. Check out the new driveshaft carrier bearing bracket that we made for a friend’s Ford diesel truck:
Expanding our horizons a bit I guess you could say. No worries though, we’re not changing business models. Art is always going to be at the forefront of Scrape’s Garage for a very long time. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a real feeling of accomplishment and pride in fixing something for someone, or building something that they need but the art thing is just as gratifying in a much more laid back and fun way.
And now that the Midwest Winter Death-Grip is firmly in place, I have a lot of time on my hands to create a whole lot more than I was previously used to. Down south, the art fair circuit never ended, so if you had a good weekend you had to come back and bust tail to replenish a few items and try to think hard about adding something new. Where I am now, there’s not a whole lot going on from about November to April so unless you plan on traveling, you have plenty of time to get your creative juices flowing and build things you otherwise might not have had time to dream up. Stay tuned for a couple of examples that I’m currently working on. I know you’re going to like them.
Winter’s icey grip descends upon us. You know where to find me.