Bringing you up to speed

It’s been a while. A busy summer full of shows and long nights in the shop building replacements for what I’ve sold has made me delinquent in my duties to stay in touch with all of you. I never intended to have such lulls in bringing you up to speed on all things Scrape’s, so I plan to try and stay more on top of things in the future.

Speaking of staying in touch with you, let me just throw this shameless plug out there for my Instagram page at scrapes_garage for a new segment called “Whatcha Weldin’ Wednesday”. Each week I’ll add a story to my page of a select item and it’s build process. I’m in the third week of it and already and I’m getting some great feedback. Take a look. I think you’d like it.

Right now we’re playin’ the back nine on this inaugural season of shows. Another couple of months and it’ll be over, albeit for only a brief moment as we plan to spend some time in Florida attending shows in early spring. And in regards to shows, it is with unbelievable disappointment that I have to report that the Summit Motorama scheduled for later this month has now officially been cancelled. The one that I was hinging a lot of hope on, seeing that Scrape’s Garage would most definitely hit it off with that demographic is gonna have to wait until next year.

And lastly, I want this to be a call out to all of my customer’s who have bought something from Scrape’s Garage this year. Please do this one favor for me and take a picture of the item purchased in it’s new home or outdoor environment. I plan on starting something of a Where Are They Now section on the website showcasing their new habitats. So until next time, Scrape is 10-02.


SEMA 2021


October 16-17, Mark your Calendars.