Bike Building?

Thinking I may expand a bit from the art side of the house to pursue some recent interest we’re getting on building bikes. You see, my son and I built Frankenbike about four years ago and I am proud to say that it has some unique features that NO OTHER BIKE has to this day. And because of that, people have taken notice at numerous bike gatherings and have asked if I could build something for them.

Oh sure, FB isn’t the greatest thing on two wheels. If anyone knows that, I certainly do. There is some magnificent work being churned out by guys like PJ Orlando at Lucky 7 in Texas, and Todd from After Hours Bikes in Florida. They get the guys willing to lay down a hundred grand on some big wheel bagger with a paint job costing more than your first home mortgage, or a Rat Bike that defies everything that a motorcycle should be, but is so damn cool that even if its a handful to ride there’s nothing that’s gonna even come close to it on bike night. They are the kings. They’ve paid their dues, and this guy knows that.

Where I figure I fall into this mix is smack dab in the middle. Kind of a hybrid builder, as you can see from the prosthetic bag and fender extensions on my bike. Takin’ a little of both worlds if you will but catering to the guy with a few less clams in his pocket. I’d be honored, and happy to stick to just adornments or small add-ons. Gotta start somewhere, right?


Mission accomplished!


The Holiday Season is upon us!